Saturday, June 1, 2013

"I'm Just Going To Lay Here And Die"

What does the title say to you?
Just think for a second.
Get a little idea in your head, a guess.
Do you have one? 
Heres the answer....

Those are the words I said to my mom after she asked me how my workout went
it went great, and now I'm in so much pain I can hardly walk.
It. Is. Awesome.

So here is the explanation on why i am writing this post.
I've started to get myself into a healthy fit lifestyle.
And heres the story.....
Going through high school i was a varsity cheerleader and worked incredibly hard.
We worked out a minimum of 6 days a week and i was a flyer.
I graduated high school around 108 pounds which, for me at least, was a good weight.
I have always been very small and have eaten a lot.
My family always joked that it would catch up with me.
I graduated and stopped working out.
I gained weight.....
I'm now at 116.
This is not ok for me.
So with my disordered brain what do i decide to do?
I starved myself and took water pills so that i could hopefully lose this extra gross flab that was all over me.
I was, well still am, disgusted by my body.
In the long run i ended up gaining more weight.
And now this week I am changing.
I want to make my body into one that i can potentially love.
This to me means muscle. 
Lean muscle is what i want to get to.
So, i have decided that i am starting these habits out early in life.
I am starting to eat cleaner and healthier, 
And i am starting to go to the gym and work out every other day, and to take some classes
But at the top of my list i want to love my body.

Never in my life do i remember being ok with my body,
I was always made fun of by my family, my friends, other people.
I know people do not think that some things they say have an effect on people but they do.
Asking me if i ever eat, telling me i'm too small, pinching me, making fun of my small size, telling me that i will become fat anyways, this is not ok.
I believe that my brain was more susceptible to depression because of the things i went through as a child. But i also believe that I have a terrible body problem not just because of the media and society, but because of the comments constantly being made to me while i was little.

I'm writing this post to tell my followers that I am going to start making a diary of sorts of my progress to becoming a fit, more healthy, and body loving me. But also to let you all know that those comments hurt.
They do have an effect on a little girl or boy. 

I hope you all will support me on my mission to becoming a more fit me and also to becoming a more body loving me in the process.

Please leave any comments or suggestions or even inspiration! 
I would love to hear what you guys think of this post and of any tips you have on helping me reach my goal

until next time

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Well Deserved Review

Hey there guys. 
Sorry about the time lapse in between my posts. 
The ugly depression demon is rearing its ugly head a lot lately.
Unfortunately I have also been letting it win a lot.
This post started out to be many things however, it has turned into a review.
However, this is not a review of a beauty product.
I am reviewing the body jewelry sight Pierced fish
Please don't be disappointed because i have so many new products that i have to review for my next posts. I'm fighting this ugly depression/self harm demon whether it likes it or not!
Now onto the review......

I can tell you right now that i have tried a lot of different body jewelry sites.
I am one of those people who really like to have choices.
Which basically means I like to have a lot of stuff that i really don't need.
So out of the many sites that i have tried why am I choosing to do a review of pierced fish?
Well because in my eyes they have earned it.
This is my fourth time ordering from them and i had a 30% off coupon
Which is awesome
I had 9 items in my cart totaling around $40
way too much for me to spend on body jewelry.
But with the coupon it when down to around $30
way more reasonable.
So little me switching between three sites finishes her order and looks it over and see that..
yeah i didn't push the apply button on my order.
I just about threw the computer against the wall
I did the only thing i could think of.
I emailed the help office and begged if there was anything they could do.
the next day i have an email asking me what the code was.
And guess what they did
Yeah they gave me the promotion that ended the night before and issued me a refund.
I was so excited!
needless to say that they have earned my respect and my business.

So i am going to now review the site and on certain aspects i will put a rating between 1-5
5 being best.
Customer service: 5
Shipping time: 4
Product material: 4
Product: 5

I have yet to been disappointed in anything i have gotten from here
Now that you all sat and read my blabbering these are the products i received.
everything is shipped in a bubble wrap lined envelope and individually packaged.
the product is them put in these plastic containers that are meant for sending anything back
they are also handy for storing jewelry

 I bought 3 Navel rings.
2 clear ones. one with internal threading and the other is pronged
The third is an aqua color with aurora borealis crystals on the ball

I bought 3 nose screws and a retainer.
1 is Green
1 is aqua
1 is a light pink
the retainer is a dome shape

I bought 2 earrings for my rook
1 is white pearls
1 is a light purple stone on either end
I am not sure why i can not get these to rotate but I hope you can see the pictures all right.

So that is my review for Pierced fish. they are a great site and i will continue to recommend them to anyone who asks me.

I hope you guys enjoyed and i also hope this helped.
please let me know what you think!
also let me know what you want to see!
I'm having some posting block
well until next time
                         ~ Holly

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Bump That Never Stops

So sorry for the absence!
I have been dealing with some hard times these last few weeks but I'm back.
And since I'm still in the processing of trying out various products I have something a bit different for you guys.
This ones for all the girls with piercings out there
I don't know about any of you but when I got my nose pierced i could not stop touching it.
This however was not the best thing. 
A bump started to form near the piercing. 
It was gross.
It really made me consider taking the piercing out.
Which would have been horrible because not only did i adore the piercing but it was mildly expensive.
But i kept it in and looked around online for some type of remedy.
It was only a few simple steps but after about a week it is finally gone!
I know how hard it is to find good advice on this subject so i hope that this helps all of you guys dealing with this same problem.
So lets get started shall we?

1: clean the piercing at least twice a day with a saline solution
The way I make mine is by boiling water in my electric tea kettle and then mixing 1/4th TSP of non-iodized sea salt with 8OZ of water till a water bottle is full.
Make sure it is non iodized because this chemical could harm your piercing.
2: After cleaning and before you go to bed wet a Q-tip and roll it in a tiny bit of salt.
take the Q-tip and place the salt directly onto the bump.
This might sting a bit but since it is wet it will stick to your skin and dry out the bump while you sleep.
3: My piercer gave me emu oil to put onto the piercing. 
this oil works wonders.
It keeps your piercing soft so it can heal quicker.
Its also more of a lotion that an oil so you don't feel greasy all day
so after i wash my piercing in the morning and get all the salt off i put a little emu oil around the piercing.
Here is the site i ordered my replacement bottle of emu oil from.
I have also heard that tea tree oil works as well but i have not tried it.

I do have to say that any type of trauma can cause the bump to come back. 
such as hitting the piercing or snagging/tugging the piercing on something. 
I really hope this helped some of you guys who have had these pesky buggers pop up around your piercings.

So what do you guys think? did you try this method? 
or do you have another method that worked?
Please let me know i would love to hear all of your thoughts, comments, and suggestions!

Until next time

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thank You!!

After a very tough Wednesday I came home and did some homework and checked various sites.
But  I came to find out that.....
I was nominated twice for the Liebster award!
I was planning on doing this post but i didn't know when and now i have to do it.
I was nominated by
I am so honored that not 1 but 2 people have loved my blog enough to nominate me.
I don't think i can tell these two thank you enough.
But thank you Danielle and Lauren you guys are awesome
and everyone should go check out their blogs!

The Rules:
1: Share 11 things about yourself
2: Answer the 11 questions that your tagger has given to you
3: Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. the nominees must have under 200 Google Friend Connect followers and be told in comment on their blog.
4: Think of 11 questions to ask the blogger to have nominated
5: Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.

11 Facts About Me:
1: My birthday is July 20th. I think it fits me because i absolutely adore summer. Everything about summer is just perfect to me and i wish i lived somewhere where i could have it more often.
2: I have 8 piercings (and counting) and me and my sister want to get matching tattoos
3: My mother just got married to the most amazing guy ever and now we have to move all of our stuff out of the old house. I have a lot of stuff lets just say that
4: I've been completely single for four months now. this is the first time since freshman year of high school and I am loving every minute of it. Boys are dumb.
5: I love going to drugstores and buying beauty products. I normally spend at least 45 minutes in one if i have time.
6: I have no idea how to work ITunes. It took me an hour this morning to figure out how to sync my IPhone and put music on it.
7: I love reading. Its like a drug. I have so many books that I have run out of places to put them
8: Tea is the most amazing thing on the planet.
9: I have 8 pillows and a body pillow on my bed so i can sleep in a little pillow nest. It is awesome
10: I adore the 80's. The music, the movies, the fashion, everything. they are awesome and i could sit and listen to the music and the watch the movies over and over again.
11: A guy once told me i was a 60 year old man because i was listening to Jimi Hendrix. He also told me that the old days are over and that i needed to move on because old music sucks. We aren't talking anymore....

Now since i was nominated by 2 different people i will answer both of their questions because if i don't i will feel bad.

Danielle's Questions
1: Who is your style icon?
Ummm. I would have to say my style icon is a mix between Demi Lovato, Lana Del Rey, and Lucy Hail on PLL
2: Chocolate or vanilla?
Depends. But probably vanilla
3: Favorite makeup idem I own?
My Revlon Balm Stains.
4: If my house was burning down whats 3 things i would save (family and pets are safe)
My baby blanket that i still sleep with, my stuffed giraffe named Walter that i sleep with, and my laptop
5: Favorite Band/Artist?
This week it is The Cab. Come back later. I guarantee it will be something else.
6: Describe your bedroom style?
Classy and simple with unique touches. And then i get dressed.
7: One social networking site i go to constantly?
8: Most used perfume?
Haiku sunset by AVON
9: If i could have lunch with one celebrety who would it be?
Jennifer Lawrence. Because she is awesome and i think we could be best friends.
10: Favorite makeup brand?
Right now its Revlon.
11: 2 things on your bucket list
see the Eiffel tower in person, touch somebodies life

Lauren's Questions
1: Favorite holiday destination
Myrtle Beach
2: Favorite season
3: Reason for starting your blog?
I just needed somewhere to share my thoughts about life topics
4: Favorite thing about having a blog?
Having people comment and seeing what others think about my thought. 
Also meeting new people
5: One goal set for myself and achieved
Get a new job before i started college
6: Most proud moment
Deciding to go see a therapist. even though it didn't work out.
7: 1 Person 1 question. who and what would it be.
Demi Lovato. How do you make it through life everyday and stick to your recovery?
8: Most used beauty products
Mascara, brown eyeliner
9: Favorite thing about yourself
My eyes
10: Who most inspires you?
My mother
11: One promise i will make for my blog readers
I promise to try my hardest to reply to each and every one of you

Those are really the only blogs i know. so i'm only putting up 8 because i want to be fair and give the blogs i know the award and not just ones i randomly choose. I hope you guys understand!

these are my questions
1: One thing you cant live without
2: One clothing item you can't live without
3: Someone who has made a huge difference  in your life
4: How many Piercings/ Tattoos (if any) do you have, or want
5: Longest time spent in a single place at one time
6: Favorite food
7: What do you think your shoes say about you
8: Favorite scent
9: Your go to hairstyle
10: One bad habit you have
11: Something that is always with you at all times.

Thank you guys so much for the nominations I am so grateful for them and i appreciate them dearly. I hope everyone goes and checks out their blogs because they are well worth it. I'm sorry this post is so long but i had to give credit to these two and answer both of their questions. I have plans for other posts that i am working on so i will be back very soon i promise.
hope to hear from all of you on how you feel about the questions i answered. let me know some of your little quirks!
until next time

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pillow Talk

How many of you ladies are like me and sleep with your make up on?
Come on i know we have all done it.
But I am one of the people that no matter how many times you tell me not to do it i will still do it only because I'm lazy.
Before i go to bed the last thing i want to do is take off my makeup.
So its become a habit to simply just not do it.
I figure i will cleanse it off in the morning.
No biggy right?
I decided to do my own little research to see why it is so bad to sleep in makeup.
This is what i found.....

1: if your not taking your makeup off you are causing your skin to stop renewing itself. Therefor you wake up will dull and tired skin.
2: Your clogging your pores and causing breakouts. Due to the fact that your skin secretes sebum which helps lubricate your skin, if you have makeup on you are blocking that from secreting and causing breakouts to occur.
3: When you go through your day you attract "free radicals" in the air and sleeping with these on your face, since they are connected to your makeup, will break down collagen causing wrinkles and skin aging. 
4: Mascara can cause eyelash breakage, eye irritation, and even an allergic reaction.
(want to see where i got the info? Click here)

So i don't know about you guys but i am for sure going to be taking my makeup off before i go to bed now.
I do not want wrinkles or breakouts or for my eyelashes to break off!
Now that i have read these facts it makes a lot of sense why i have some of the skin issues that i do.
So how about you ladies?
What do you think about these problems?
Did this open your eyes to clean off your face or maybe to do some research of your own?
Give me your feedback I'd love to hear from all of you!

Also, comment below so i can find some more blogs to follow and comment on, you might be included in my next post ;]

until next time.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain Review

I have been using this lip stain for a little over 2 months now and this stuff is honestly the best lip product i have ever tried. 
For the last four years the only lip product i have used has been chapstick.
So what made me try a stain? 
Lip gloss gets everywhere and a lot of the time if i wear it with my glasses some how it ends up on the lenses and is very hard to get off. 
I really hope I'm not the only one this happens to...
Anyways lip gloss is to high maintenance for me
Now lipstick on the other hand just drys out my lips and i worry too much about it getting on my teeth.
both however, are messy and stop me from being able to do simple tasks during the day and make me constantly think about re-applying.
So, while looking through Cosmo magazine one day i saw the add for Revlon's Balm Stain.
I went on YouTube and found only a few reviews but all said it was pretty good
i decided to go pick one up, let me tell you that that was the best idea i have ever had!
These stains are amazing
Not only do they stay on all day long without worrying about the color fading
(that means kiss away girls!)
They also hydrate your lips like a balm would.
needless to say after my first try with only one i started buying more.
I have 5 colors now 
The names are (starting at the left)
Smitten, Honey, Rendezvous, Charm, and Romantic.
Smitten (top) is a dark type of violet color that looks really nice for an evening or really feminine look.
Romantic (bottom) is a very bold red and what i am also wearing in the picture at the top.
I absolutely adore this color. 
I have always wanted to rock red lips but never knew how. with this stain i do it all the time now and it instantly gives me a confidence boost.
Rendezvous (left) is a bright coral color with a hint of red. I wear this one to work often and its a very subtle way to wear a bolder lip color.
Charm (middle) is a nude. it is great for putting under a gloss to hold it so its not so stick. 
but i love paring it with a bold eye just to give my lips a bit of color.
Honey (right) is the best for everyday. It's a little darker than my lip color so it's really a my-lips-but-better type of color for me.
I love wearing it out and to work but when i just want to dress up a bit for class i throw this on and its perfect.

These stains are really easy and fast to put on. they are shaped like giant crayons so all you have to do is roll on and go!
the fast, no hassle part is by far the biggest perk for me on these.
I would really recommend these to anyone asking for a lip product and have even gotten my mom hooked.
(She also hates lipstick.)

Well there you guys go!
I hope this helped if you were wondering about this product. 
If you have any suggestions or anything else to say please right in the comments
I would love to hear from you!
until nest time...

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Hello bloggie world! This is just a little bit of an introduction and a welcome for all of you fine readers!

My name is Holly and I am 18 years old. I live in the very cold state of Michigan and I am currently going to a community college near my house. I'm going for Physician assistant and I am very excited. I have a lot of loves in life one of them being beauty. I love art and music and I'm a book junkie, I also love animals and watching movies. My big secret is that I am fighting my way through depression.

Now about the blog! As the name implies I will be posting about most things having to do with my life. A lot of it will be about beauty because well i love everything beauty related. However, I am going to do some book reviews and write about some everyday challenges we all face.

Well that's me. I hope you all enjoy my blog and you comment often. I'm looking forward to talking to each and every one of my readers! =] Until next time...